What do Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, and 42 other locations across the United States now have in common with Lincoln, Nebraska? All participate in the Best Places to Work initiative that honors organizations that deliver an outstanding work experience. Woods Aitken, LincolnHR, and the Lincoln Journal Star are proud to sponsor the Best Places to Work in Lincoln competition.
Click Here to Nominate a Company for Best Places to Work in Lincoln
(Nominations open October 1, 2024 - February 7, 2025)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why should my company participate?
A: The competition presents a great opportunity to learn what your employees are really thinking, and provides you with valuable information you can use to improve your day-to-day operations and workplace environment. If chosen as a finalist or winner, promote the Best Places to Work award to prospective employees. Use the Best Places to Work logo on your websites and recruiting materials and use the award in your public relations programs. After all, Best Places To Work honorees receive seven times more resumes per job opening compared to average organizations.
Q: Is there a cost to participate?
A: No. It is free* to participate in the program using our standard, online survey. All participating companies will receive a free one-page Overview report. This report includes your company’s overall score compared to the finalists, engagement profiles of your employees, demographic information, and comments from the open ended questions.
Quantum Workplace offers the following features for an additional cost.
- If your employees do not have access to a computer, paper surveys are available for a nominal fee ($3 per submitted paper survey).
- You may add questions or demographics to the survey to enhance your survey results. Fees for customized surveys vary, based on number of employees. (Only standard survey questions will be used in scoring for the competition.)
- Participants may purchase a package of their survey results. Prices for packages are based on the size of the company.
*Finalist companies who would like to include the Best Places to Work in Lincoln logo in their marketing will have the opportunity to purchase an advertising package from the event media partner in advance of the awards celebration.
Q: How are the Best Places to Work winners determined?
A: All Best Places to Work winners are determined exclusively on the basis of their employees’ responses to the Best Places to Work Survey. Employee responses from the 30 standard survey questions are compiled to determine the company’s overall score and ranking.
Q: Can my company customize the employee survey?
A: Yes, you may add questions or demographics to the survey to enhance your survey results. Fees for customized surveys vary. Please contact the Best Places to Work Team, bestplaces@quantumworkplace.com, for more information about custom surveys. Customizations do not affect the way your results are scored for the purpose of the competition. Custom questions and non-market employees are excluded from the calculations.
Q: How is the survey distributed to my employees?
A: The contact person at your company will facilitate the survey invitations for your employees. There are several options available for distribution.
- Email employees their unique survey link by uploading employee email addresses into the Quantum Workplace portal.
- Employees without an email address can be invited by hand delivering them a unique survey link.
- Paper surveys are available to employees without access to a computer. Please note, there is a nominal fee to process paper surveys and the paper survey deadline precedes the online survey deadline.
Q: What if my employees do not have access to a computer?
A: Paper surveys are available at a cost of $3 per submitted survey. A company may use a combination of paper and on-line surveys for their employees. Data entry of paper surveys must be conducted by Quantum Workplace.
Q: Do my IT staff need to provide any additional support?
A: Before your survey invites are sent to employees, there are a few steps you should take to insure high delivery and response rates. A downloadable deliverability guide will be available which will include information on whitelisting the Quantum Workplace domain and other tips to make sure the emails are delivered.
Q: Is the employee survey confidential?
A: The Quantum Workplace employee survey is strictly confidential. Companies will have access to survey results at the aggregate level to help you understand and build engagement.
Q: Will information from my company be confidential?
A: Definitely. The Best Places to Work program has earned a reputation for its service, professionalism, and confidentiality. Employers who are not recognized are not disclosed.
Q: Do all of the employees at my company need to complete the survey?
A: All eligible employees must be invited to take the survey. To reach a 95 percent confidence level with a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent, you will need to achieve employee participation based on the following percentages per size of organization for your company to be considered an honoree:
24 employees or fewer = 85%
25 - 49 = 80%
50 - 99 = 70%
100 - 149 = 65%
150 - 249 = 50%
250 - 499 = 40%
500 - 999 = 30%
1,000 - 2,999 = 15%
3,000 - 4,999 = 8%
More than 5,000 = 5%
Q: Which employees are eligible to take the survey?
A: Please include the following employees in your employee count. Only these employees will be invited to take the survey:
- All full-time and part-time, permanent employees who have been employed with the company at least 30 days, and work within Lancaster County are eligible to participate. Do not include seasonal, per diem, independent contractors, temps, or consultants.
- Remote employees that report to or are physically located closest to this contest area. (Remote employees included in this survey cannot be included in any other regional contests.)
Q: What are the award categories?
A: Awards will be given in each of the four categories: small companies, medium companies, large companies, and extra-large companies. If your company has less than 10 employees, you are welcome to participate, but your company will not be eligible for the awards. You will still receive reports showing company results and comparative data for the Lincoln area. Companies must have a minimum of 10 employees in Lancaster County to participate.
Q: Should Union employees be included?
A: Yes, Union employees must be included in your employee count and invited to take the survey.
Q: Are Partners/Owners allowed to take the survey?
A: Partners and Owners with more than 5% ownership are not eligible to complete the survey.
Q: My company has offices in multiple cities and states, how many employees should I enter at the registration page?
A: You should only include employees that work within Lancaster County. If you would like to include all employees, regardless of geographic location, call the Best Places to Work Team at 888.415.8302 to discuss customization options and pricing.
Q: Will my company receive the survey results?
A: Yes, all participating companies will receive a free Overview report. This report includes your company’s overall score compared to the finalists, engagement profiles of your employees, demographic information, and comments from the open ended questions. You will also have the opportunity to purchase more in-depth survey results.
Q: What if my company does not make the Best Places to Work list?
A: You will still receive access to your free Overview report and will have the opportunity to purchase reports to help improve employee engagement. Your company name will not be placed on any list and will not be printed in the special publication. There is NO RISK to participation.
Q: How will I know if my company made the list? When will I be contacted?
A: All participants that have reached their participation goal will be contacted regarding their status as a finalist or non-finalist by April 11, 2025.
Q: How do we receive the Best Places to Work in Lincoln logo for our company marketing?
A: Finalist companies interested in including the Best Places to Work in Lincoln logo in their marketing will have the opportunity to purchase an advertising package (logo included) from the event media partner in advance of the awards celebration. The Best Places to Work in Lincoln logo will be available for purchase to finalist companies that opt not to advertise with the event media partner. For more information, please contact Ashley Connell or Lindsay Pape at Woods Aitken at bptw@woodsaitken.com.
Q: When is the Best Places to Work event? When will the list of winners be published?
A: The Best Places to Work in Lincoln finalist list and an event honoring winners will take place in June 2025. For questions regarding the event or publication please contact Ashley Connell or Lindsay Pape at Woods Aitken at bptw@woodsaitken.com.
Q: Is this an annual event?
A: Yes. This is an excellent opportunity to review your employee survey results each year.
Q: What are key dates for this initiative?
A: The key dates are as follows:
- Event nominations and registration: October 2024 – February 7, 2025
- Surveys conducted: February 10 – March 14, 2025
- Best Places to Work Awards Celebration: June 2025
Q: When can I access my company’s survey results?
A: If your company is not a finalist, you may access results when you receive your status notification (by 4/11/2025). If your company is a finalist, you will receive access to your results after the awards event.
Q: How do I participate?
A: For more information, visit https://www.quantumworkplace.com/best-places-to-work-in-lincoln. Registration will be available October 2024 – February 7, 2025.
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